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New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick
9:00am – 4:00pm

Jack Fersko, co-chair of the firm’s Real Estate Department, is the co-program coordinator and a speaker for “Commercial Leasing 2019:  Complex Issues In Commercial Real Estate, ” a seminar which will be presented at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick on Thursday, December 12, 2019 from 9:00am – 4:00pm. The program will be presented by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education in cooperation with the New Jersey State Bar Association Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Section.

Since the 1990s, Mr. Fersko and program co-chair David S. Gordon (Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer, PA) have developed an annual commercial real estate program for NJICLE that brings together real estate industry experts for a discussion of timely and trending issues within New Jersey’s commercial leasing environment.   

This year’s program will address a broad spectrum of important and sophisticated issues that all real estate lawyers need to understand in order to practice in today’s competitive market. Topics will include joint venture agreements needed when bringing in a financial partner, financing issues including participation agreements and inter-creditor agreements, representing the small landlord or small tenant in leasing transactions, critical issues in redevelopment law that the less experienced counsel should know about, issues encountered in the repositioning of an aging asset to a mixed use environment, bankruptcy issues in real estate, and ethics.

Mr. Fersko’s practice reflects his extensive experience as a commercial real estate and general business lawyer. His legal services emphasize industrial and commercial real estate activities, with a particular focus on industrial leasing, project financing, sustainable development and alternative energy initiatives, urban redevelopment, and the impact of environmental laws on commercial real estate transactions, including the acquisition and redevelopment of environmentally contaminated sites.   

Additional information and registration details at: Commercial Leasing 2019  
