Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP, in collaboration with the New Jersey Hospital Association, the New Jersey Healthcare Financial Management Association, and the Medical Society of New Jersey, will present a three-part series of Lunch & Learn webinars titled “COVID-19: A Moving Target - Business Insights and Legal Perspectives for New Jersey’s Healthcare Sector.”
The second program in the series, “Executive Compensation in the Healthcare Industry: Managing the Process Against the Backdrop of a Pandemic,” will be presented on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 from 12:00pm – 1:00pm.
The program faculty will be:
James A. Robertson, Partner & Chair, Healthcare Department
Thomas C. Senter, Partner, Tax, Trusts & Estates Department; Chair, Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Practice Group
An up-close look at executive compensation topics and trends, and related tax considerations, will be delivered by a panel of skilled attorneys who advise clients in this specialized area of the law. After setting the stage with introductory remarks on the purpose of executive compensation plans and their unique aspects in healthcare settings, our speakers will analyze a number of recent trends and timely issues, including gender pay equality, community health needs assessments, discretionary wards, single and multi-year plans, and how COVID-19 has altered the executive compensation landscape. Non-competition clauses and related provisions will be discussed. Attendees will come away with a deeper understanding of executive compensation plans and the process that drives them, including the roles of the Board’s compensation committee, management, and independent compensation consultants. Additional considerations to be reviewed include IRC Section 457 plans in the non-profit world vs. the rules under IRC Section 83, as well as the impact of IRC Section 409A on executive compensation.
Program recording: Executive Compensation in the Healthcare Industry