Alan S. Pralgever, a partner in the firm’s Litigation Department, will be a presenter at the live webinar “Negotiating Indemnification, Reps, and Warranties in New Jersey” on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 from 9:00am – 4:30pm. The program will be presented by the National Business Institute (NBI).
When strategically negotiating critical provisions, veteran contract attorneys know that boilerplate solutions are not a potential option given the amount of risk, liability and potential for error. This presentation will dig deep into the ins and outs of these issues and provide real-world drafting examples and checklists. Topics will include:
- Creating rock-solid, enforceable provisions to avoid liability, damages and potential disputes.
- A review of different types of clauses and how they should be negotiated in various agreements.
- The entanglement of indemnification, hold harmless and limitation of liability.
- Detrimental mistakes attorneys commonly make in contract negotiations.
- Strategically applying state law to your client's advantage.
- How to extinguish culpability with sophisticated negotiation methods.
- Review real-world examples of negotiations gone wrong.
Mr. Pralgever will lead two sessions during this full-day program, the agenda for which will be as follows:
- Preliminary Business Contract Negotiation Necessities, Tips and Tricks
9:00 - 9:50am- State, Federal and UCC Contract Law Update
- Trends and Issues
- Choice of Forum and Law
- Time of Performance
- Fundamental Principals of Business Contracts
- E-Contracting and E-Signatures
- Pre-Contract Negotiation Strategies
- Multi-Party Negotiation Considerations
- Ensuring ALL Parties are Identified
- Fiduciary Duties and Decision Making - Enforceability and Liability Distribution
- Negotiating Dispute Resolution, Death, Disability and Other Dangerous Provisions
3:00 - 3:30pm- Secrets to Negotiating
- Standard of Care and Statute of Limitations
- Attorney Fees and Costs
- Mistakes to Avoid
- Dissolution
- Case Law Review
Mr. Pralgever concentrates his practice in business and commercial litigation, with a special focus in corporate, partnership and LLC split-ups and dissolutions, condominium matters and representation of associations, estate litigation, employment issues, consumer fraud act litigation, real estate and intellectual property disputes. He has handled a wide variety of complex commercial and corporate litigation in state and federal courts, as well as arbitrations in both New Jersey and New York. He is certified by the New Jersey Superior Court as a civil mediator.
Additional program details and registration can be found on NBI's website.