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Live Webinar
10:00am – 12:00pm

Robert B. Hille, a partner in the firm’s Healthcare and Litigation Departments, will moderate the live webinar “Small Businesses and the Impact of COVID-19,” which will be presented on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 from 10:00am – 12:00pm by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education.

Panelists for the presentation will include Greenbaum partners Jack Fersko,Nancy Isaacson, Luke J. Kealy andMaja M. Obradovic. The panel members, with expertise in the areas of insurance, bankruptcy, leasing, and employment, will focus on the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on small businesses, including the small law practice. According to 2016 Administrative Office of the Courts statistics, 94% of New Jersey law firms have one to five members. What are these firms facing and what can be done about problems that many of them are dealing with?

The panel will discuss the impact of the disease, CDC guidelines, the Governor’s Executive Orders, the federal and state legislative responses, and the CARES Act bailout and how they relate to small businesses and law firms. Included in that discussion are practical suggestions as to what businesses might or should do at this point to mitigate harm. Attendees will also have the ability to ask questions and participate in the discussion.

Registration and additional details at: Small Businesses and the Impact of COVID-19   
